Children Kollections
House of Klaus Kollections
Welcome to KGK
Shopping 101...I would like to think that I passed with flying colors and at an accelerated pace! Ever since I was little I had an eye for clothes and as time went on my tastes for various styles grew. I knew what others gravitated towards and what was not worth having.
I wanted to create a business of doing what I enjoy...doing what I know...and sharing it with others. Because is it not rewarding helping others to feel good about themselves??? Or simply showing off your cute outfits to your girlfriends??? My answer is ‘absolutely yes!’ And I take a lot of pride in knowing that my little boutique could provide both to others.
So take it from someone who has a “PhD” on having an eye for what works for women of all shapes and sizes. I am confident that KGK can offer many styles that would suit you and make you feel beautiful!

Turning KGK from a Dream into a Reality
I have always loved fashion. The tops, bottoms, accessories, the shoes...every style, every color, for every occasion, for every season. All of it. Of course, the clothes never completely defined me, but it gave a little insight to others of what I was about. An outward expression of myself, if you will. As a mom of three beautiful little girls, I have taken my enjoyment of fashion and projected my creativity of styles on to them. I have enjoyed every minute of it. And they have too.
It has been over two years that I have held aspirations of starting my own apparel business, but was so very hesitant on doing so. I would just simply store my idea in the back of my mind. However, my ambition for doing it finally outgrew the "mental shelf" that it was sitting on. I finally decided to jump. And go on this new adventure of turning this idea into a reality.
Thank you everyone for your encouragement and support of this dream of mine. Please follow along with me as I go through this journey of growing my boutique, Kimberly Grace Kollections. It will be classic apparel that both children and women will love. I cannot wait to share it with you!
-Kimberly Klaus, owner
Contact Information
PO Box 5331
Kingwood, TX 77325
Phone: (832) 262-1295